Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:

>>>Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 12:01:47 -0300
>>>From: Roberto Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Problem including files.
>>>Hi all,
>>>I'm working on a long document, so I split it up into several files. 
>>>Everything was working well until I included the file with the 
>>>appendices. When I try to generate the PS file I get an error message:
>>>"LaTeX error: Something's wrong, perhaps a missing \item."
> This strongly looks like a preceding empty bibliography.
> Check that your .bbl file is not just like
> \begin{bibliography}
> \end{bibliography}
> without any item listed.
> This produces an error at the next command, and this can be
> quite misleading.

In the Sample.lyx file I attatched there is one bibliography entry that 
just says "bibliography", but in the real document there are about 8 or 
9 books (and I haven't even started working on the bibliography part), 
so that's probably not the problem. Either way, if that was the problem 
the main file would give some error messages, even when not including 
any file at the end.

Thanks again,


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