>>Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 11:29:33 +0100 (CET)
>>From: Guenter Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Re: Re: font question
>>To: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 09:50:17 +0100 (MET) wrote "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" 
>>> >>> > selecting the helvetica font from the document properties dialog box
>>> >>> > does not change the font from the default (romans?) to helvetica.
>>> >>It loads the package helvetica.sty this package just uses helvetica 
>>> >>of computer-modern-sans-serif for sans serif.
>>> >>
>>> >>To change to helvetica as default, you need to put
>>> >>   % Default font is sans serif
>>> >>   \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
>>> >>in the LaTeX preamble.
>>> >>Actually, I consider the helvetica option from the document properties
>>> >>dialog box to be misleading and I wished it would go.
>>> The point is that the Layout->Document->Font selects the fonts
>>> for each of the three families, so that's OK.
>>So what happens, if I want to change the default settings for more than one
>>family, sans-serif to helvetica and roman to times, say?
>>> If you want to be more precise, you have to look at the .sty file
>>> to know what happens
>>> (e.g. palatino changes only the serif font, but sets
>>> sans-serif and typewriter to ps fonts).
>>I found this out by trial and error, but this exacly is my point: I'd like
>>LyX to be intuitively/transparent: I had to look at the tex-output to see
>>what exactly the Option Helvetica is doing (loading helvetica.sty) and then
>>look in helvet.sty why it does not do the desired action. I would really like 
>>  Layout->Dokument->Zeichensatz (Layout->Document->Font?)
>>list to change the _default_ font of the document. 
>>i.e. my wish would be to only take packages in the list that change all 
>> like 
>>     ae: Almost European Computer Modern,
>>     pslatex: Use PostScript fonts by default. (sf, rm, tt + math)
>> amd maybe
>>     times: Times font as default roman (but sets rm, sf and tt)
>>     palatino: Palatino font as default roman (but sets rm, sf and tt)
>>     newcent: NewCenturySchoolbook font as default roman (but sets rm, sf and 
>>     bookman: Bookman font as default roman (but sets rm, sf and tt)
>> but not
>>     helvet: Helvetica font as default sans (no change to rm, tt)
>>     avant:  AvantGarde font as default sans (no change to rm, tt)

In fact it would be nice:
 1 to select a bunch of fonts as a whole (pslatex e.g. for
 screen resolution in pdf)
 2 to select a font name separately for each family (like Netscape 6.1)
 3 to select a familydefault for the document (id.)
 In fact, 1 and 3 are enough for common usage if you know what
 is behind the current Font menu, so I suggest that the above lines
 should go somewhere in the LyX docs.
 What is needed is then only the familydefault selection mechanism.

>>> what is missing is a selector between
>>> serif, sans-serif and typewriter.
>>What do you mean by selector? A toobar button? 

No, a menu in the Layout-Document (see below).
Toggling at will between serif and sans-serif will not produce good typography,
but you may need a shortcut to sans-serif in a part of a document
without willing to hack the class or style files.
>>Maybe we could change the emph and sc buttons to three buttons that cycle
>>through family (rm, sf, tt),  weight (normal, bf), and style 
>>(normal, em, it, sc, sl)?

You may affect the Font button to the current Layout-Character settings,
so you can have it toggling family, but again this is not
a good way to work.

>>> It can be done in the Layout->Document->Font-family menu,
>>> but also (more easily ?) with a marker in the Style menu,
>>> coded in a .inc which is always loaded.
>>Is Layout->Document->Font the same as Layout->Document->Font-family ?
>>(I have a German LyX 1.1.6fix3, with only Layout->Dokument->Zeichensatz)

I should have written 
« It could be done in a Layout->Document->Font-family menu » :-)

>>I don't have a a.inc on my system, so sorry, I don't know about a marker in
>>the Style menu.

In the share/layout directory: .inc files are for 
common layouts which can be used by several layout files and inc(luded)

An item in the Style menu (e.g Serif) which calls
the required latex command \renewcommand{\familydefault}...
Anoter item Sans-serif goes back to Roman
A text highlights the change in the LyX Window.
See the idea ?

This is a workaround, the
is really the basic thing needed.



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