
On 28 Jan 2002, Rachel Collins wrote:

> can't do it. I am unable to change the margins in any of my documents.
> I've gone to the document layout screen, and I can check 'Use Geometry
> Package', but as soon as I put a number into any of the fields (like Top
> Margin), the OK and Apply buttons are greyed out.

Well, that's not very explicit for someone who dont know latex, but you
have to put a unit with your number.
If you put:
Top: 2
This wont work
But it will work with:
Top: 2mm
Top: 2cm
Top: 2em

Etc... (I guess any valid TeX unit can be used).
Dont put any space between the number and the unit (it wont work, I think
from my TeX experience).

I dont think that you need to activate the 'geometry' package to have this

Hope it helps


PS: A long time ago, I read that this part of the interface was about to
be rewritten with an explicit pop-up menue for units... Did I dreamed ?

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