Hello eveyone

I have a book-based document and I am using the algorithm floats. The
document options are boxed and chapter and in this way the look of the
algorithm is boxed with the caption located at the bottm of the frame
with the numbering based on chapter number. I have only one long
algortihm that extents over more than one page. So, I checked the
amazing help provided by our beloved Herbert and, as usual, I found a
useful tip


So I tried to patch the Table example to cover the algorithm case

\newenvironment{myAlgorithm}[1] {%  caption as parameter
  \addcontentsline{lot}{section}{\thealgorithm\hspace{0.75em} #1}
  \center{\textbf{Algorithm \thealgorithm : }#1}%

and it works but the caption is located at the top of the algorithm, the
text is centered inside the float and there is no framebox. So, please
could you point me out a way to solve these problems? i.e

1. The caption located at the bottom of the algorithm
2. The framebox extended over more than one page

Thanks a lot for your help

Good day to avoid cops.  Crawl to school.

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