Your header/footer commands are \rfoot{} and rhead{} (and likewise \chead and 
\cfoot, etc.). If I'm not mistaken, you can do just about anything in here 
that you want. 

The tips and tricks dealilng with Header/Footer will give you some more hints 
how to use \fancyhdr. 

Does that help?

Also sprach Paul Lussier:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know how to put a footer on to a document using the
> article class?
> I'm trying to essentially do the same as you might have seen on
> letterheads where they list company information along the bottom of
> the page.
> I've looked at the LyX Tips & Tricks page, but that didn't seem to
> address what I'm trying to do.  Or maybe it did, and I either didn't
> understand it, or need to do something different.
> Thanks,

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