Am Samstag,  9. Februar 2002 16:34 schrieben Sie:

> I want to write my "Facharbeit" ( I don't know, what the English word is -
> it's something for school ) with LyX.
> It has very strict layout rules ( I hope this is right - however sorry for
> my English )
> I use the document-class "report", changed the size of char ( I don't know
> the proper translation ) to 12 point, the space between lines to one and a
> half and the margins using the Document Layout-Dialogue.
> But there are some problems:
> 1. The title-page has to include author, title, year ( no problem ) *and*
> school, class.
> How can I do this?

Insert some lines with <ctrl-return> in the title paragraph, type in your 
text, perhaps format the lines with a smaller font.

> 2. The table of contents may not have a page number. I tried
> "\pagestyle{empty}". It works with every page, but not with the toc.
> Does anyone know what to do?

type at the position where the TOC should appear:
\tableofcontents \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\thispagestyle{empty}}
in RET.

> 3. I use "Chapters" to structure my text. The Output is like:
> Chapter <Nr>
> Title
> But I want it like:
> <Nr>. -some horizontal space- Title

Change the document-class to report(koma-script) -- then you will get it.

Hope it helps,


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