On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 10:57:48PM -0200, Luciano Schirmer Silveira wrote:
> I want Lyx to access some data froma another file (e.g. retrieve results
> of an equation from a <XML> or any other file). Can I do it?
> Details: I want to abandon MathCAD and use Lyx for writing scientific
> text. But I want some text to be generated by the GNU Octave software,
> which can save results in any other file format. How can I do it? I
> accept any other suggestion to achieve that result.

Just write a script that converts the output of octave to latex, and then
runs reLyX.

Or, use the CVS version of lyx (at your own risk).
The CVS version of lyx have a builtin interface to octave,
namely you can type an expression in mathed, press a key, and the result
from octave automatically appears in lyx.

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