On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 09:43:39AM +0100, Peter Rexigel wrote:
> Am Don, 2002-03-14 um 23.59 schrieb Bob Gamble:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Originally, I had a single column paper using the article document
> > layout.  I am required to convert this to a two-column layout.  My
> > problem is that, when viewed in .dvi, it shows my table of contents and
> > bibliography on the same pages as the text of my research paper, even
> > though I have page breaks inserted to separate these parts of my paper.
> put \usepackage{multicols} in your praeambel; with \begin{multicols}{2}
> in ERT you can switch to the two column-layout.
> At the end of your document put an \end{multicols}.

multicols has a very big drawback: it does not support floats.

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