Actually, this is more for the developers (but I am none).

The LyX documentation (Extended.lyx) tells in chapter Theorems,
Lemmas, Proofs and more

  Due to a small bug in LyX you can't have two of the same type of these
  environments directly following each other. They must be separated by
  something. If you try, you will just be extending the previous environment
  as if you had merged the two environments together. So, how do you get
  around this problem? The simplest option is to insert some text between
  the two environments or add a LaTeX environment between the two with just
  a "%" in it. This will force LyX to produce two separate environments and
  hence the correct LaTeX output. 

This affects not only FoilTeX, but a whole set of
environments in several Document Classes:

  letter                             in dinbrief.cls, 
  landscape_slide and portrait_slide in seminar,
  theorem                            in amstex (if I am right)
and also the czech TUG-boat article layout still to be created.

Unfortunately, it is not just a small bug, but a design problem: LyX needs
to know the difference between environments that should start new with a new
paragraph and environments that should wrap around several paragraph in the
same Style (as the Quote Style).

However, this could be solved by a new option for the LatexType tag:

 [Paragraph, Command, Environment, Item_Environment, List_Environment]

should be extended by something like 

  Separate_Environment   as Environment, but subsequent paragraphs of the same
                         Style will be divided by a \end{envname}
                         \begin{envname} pair i.e. a new environment is
                         opened for each paragraph of the same nesting level. 
                         (Nested paragraphs go inside the environment, 
                         of course).

The problem seems to be long known. Did I just overlook a corresponding bug
entry in the tracker? Is it solved in 1.2?



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