Hello list,
I've got a question. I use the following for my headers:
\rhead {} \cfoot{-\thepage -} \lhead {} \lhead {\nouppercase
{\leftmark}} \chead {}

But now I would like to print the titles of section on the even pages
and the titels of subsection on the odd ones.
How can I do that without reading lots of man pages because I really
don't have time for that at the moment, sorry.

Thanks for help
"The Palestinians have to be hit hard. Now they have to be beaten. If
they aren't badly beaten, there won't be any negotiations."
Ariel Sharon, 4 March 2002

"Only free men can negotiate..."
Nelson Mandela

www.palestinemonitor.org                registered linux-user: #255872
www.rebelion.org                        http://sindominio.net                          
www.fzln.org.mx                         http://electronicintifada.net                  

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