Carl Hudkins a écrit (Mon, 22 Apr 2002 21:35:23 -0400):

>       Anyway, if anyone has a good solution for getting RTF files into
>       LyX, I'd love to hear it... if not, don't sweat it; I'm sure
>       someone else has a more urgent problem than I.  :)
Maybe UnRTF ?

UNRTF(GNU UnRTF 0.18.1)  

       UnRTF - converts document in RTF format to other formats

       unrtf [options] [file...]

       Options:  [--nopict]  [--html]  [--text]  [--vt] [--latex]
       [--ps] [--wpml] [--help] [--version]

       The program unrtf is a converter  from  Rich  Text  Format
       (RTF)  to a growing number of document formats. At present
       it supports Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), plain  text,
       text  with VT100 codes, LaTeX, and PostScript.  All output
       formats except HTML are "alpha" i.e. limited and  develop­
       ment  has just begun.  However with HTML, the program sup­
       ports tables,  fonts,  embedded  images,  hyperlinks,  and
       paragraph  alignment.  Font support includes face and size
       changes, as well as typical  attributes  such  as  italic,
       bold,   underlining,  strikethrough,  smallcaps,  allcaps,
       expand, compress and both foreground and  background  col­
       ors.   Images  are  always stored to separate files in the
       current directory, or they can be ignored.


Fabrice FT

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