
I am using komascript-article class with hyperref package in LyX Version 
1.1.6fix4 on Linux Mandrake 8.1. In my article, I have added contents line 
given below:

\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Sub-section Title}

This command is adding the line 'Sub-section Title' to the table of contents. 
But, when I create the pdf file from LyX using Export --> PDF, there is no 
hyperlink from this contents line to the correct location. Instead, it is 
always linking to the last numbered section. 

If I use addsec, this problem is not seen.

This problem is not seen if I use article class instead of komascript-article 

Can anybody explain how to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.


Ananda Murthy R S

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