On Fri, 3 May 2002, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > I have a table that is rotated by 90deg, and would like to rotate the
> > caption, too and have it appear to the right of the table (under it if
> > you turn the page to read the table). And since the table is just very
> > large, but short, I would like to put two of these tables (with their
> > captions) on one page. I figure that if I can display one correctly, the
> > rest should be easy with minipages.
> > Right now I have the two tables on one page, and the captions at the
> > bottom of the page under each table (to the left of it if you turn the
> > page). Since the tables do not have equal width, this looks awkward, apart
> > from the fact that you can't read tables and captions at the same time.
> attached an example

Thank you Herbert. I tried your file, but unfortunately, the table rotates
off the page now.. What am I doing wrong?
Also, I'm not sure I explained well the final layout I want to get. 
For those of you not using a proportional font, here some ascii art (just
imagine the letters rotated by 90deg to the left)

    ______     _____
   |      |   |     |
   |      |1  |     |2
   | 1    |   | 2   |
   |      |n  |     |n
   | e    |o  | e   |o
   | l    |i  | l   |i
   | b    |t  | b   |t
   | a    |p  | a   |p
   | T    |a  | T   |a
   |      |C  |     |C
   |______|   |_____|

... and all of this floating, ideally.

Basically, I'd like to have two \sidewaystable 's on one page. But Latex
won't let me put a sidewaystable into a minipage...

Thanks for your help!


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