On 3 May 2002 22:46, Vadim Ledov wrote:
> Hi!
> In the Lyx v1.1.6fix4 at input of cyrillic characters in cells of the
> table, they (characters) appear not in cells, and to the left of the table.
> Anything similar at input of latin characters is not observed.
> How it to overcome?

You have to add somewhat like
\kbmap true
\kbmap_primary "null.kmap"
\kbmap_secondary "koi8-r.kmap"
\bind "F11" "keymap-toggle"
in lyxrc and try toggle in russian by F11 key.
Also you can get russian adapted version from
В общем, если мой английский очень непонятен, можно спросить by private mail

Виталий Липатов
ФГУП "ЦНИИ Судовой Электротехники и Технологии", Санкт-Петербург
GNU! Linux! LaTeX! LyX!

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