My previous message didn't make it to the list, the attached file was too
big. Here is a stripped down version.

On Fri, 3 May 2002, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > Basically, I'd like to have two \sidewaystable 's on one page. But Latex
> > won't let me put a sidewaystable into a minipage...
> that's right, it's only possible other way round.
> please send an example file.

I attached a lyx file containing the two tables as \sidewaystable, but on
successive pages.

On Sat, 4 May 2002, bobby wrote:
> how about this.  before you rotate it 90 degrees, you include the
> caption in the ps.  then when you rotate it, the caption will stay
> exactly as you had it.

That might be a solution. But if I can manage, I would like to still be
able to edit the table from within the lyxfile. Creating a separate lyx
file, exporting to ps and re-importing seems a bit cumbersome if
modifications are necessary.

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\latex latex 

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\latex latex 
\latex default 

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Actually, there are many columns with lots of stuf here making this table
 quite large so it barely fits on one page sideways
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\lang french


\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Some caption here
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\latex latex 
\latex default 

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This table is quit a bit smaller than the previous one
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bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="false" rotate="false" usebox="none" 
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bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="true" rotate="false" usebox="none" 
width="" special="">
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It should appear vertically centered 
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bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="false" rotate="false" usebox="none" 
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bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="true" rotate="false" usebox="none" 
width="" special="">
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\layout Standard

on the same page as the previous table
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bottomline="false" leftline="true" rightline="false" rotate="false" usebox="none" 
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width="" special="">
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\layout Standard

\lang french


\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
Some other caption here
\latex latex 
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Standard


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