
I am using Lyx 1.20pre5.  I have problem with citation references 
(Bibtex). All the references show up as stuff like this:

"[3.04399pt plus 1.8176pt minus 0.7216pt]".

The latex preamble is like this:

\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdfauthor={Max Bian}, linkcolor={blue}, linktocpage, 
letterpaper, colorlinks={true}, citecolor={blue}]{hyperref}

% Settings
\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0.5cm}   % 0.5cm as an example
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0.5cm}   % 0.5cm as an example

% Caption Stuff
\ifx \shortcaption \undefined
  \oldcaption[\shortcaption]{\shortcaption \ #1}

% ===================
I am using bibunits if that matters.

Thank you for your help.


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