
   I'm a relatively new user to lyx and very happy with it.
There a couple of features I'd like to see in lyx:

1) Months ago I installed in my PC the styles of the Institute
of Physics without a problem. However, I couldn't generate a
.layout file in order to incorporate it into lyx. As IOP publishes
a lot of scientific european journals, I think it could be quite
useful to have its style in lyx. It can be found in
and the web page of IOP is

2) My second wish is that it could be very handy to have
a customisable palette, or set of buttons and to be
able to put them in the palette. For example, I'm now
writing a paper with a lot of bold greek letters and
would be very useful to have an immediate access to them.

Thanks a lot to the lyx team for a great program!



#                                 #                                 #
#  Dr. Jorge A. Hernando          #   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
#  Physics Dept., CNEA            #   phone: 54-11-6772-7106        #
#  Av. Libertador 8250            #   fax:   54-11-6772-7121        #
#  1429 Buenos Aires              #                                 #
#  Argentina                      #                                 #

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