>>Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 13:51:37 +0200
>>From: Edwin Velds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: PDF presentation using Prosper
>>I'm creating a presentation in Lyx using the Prosper package and Dekel
>>Tsur's layout file. Most of this is working perfectly, except for one
>>strange problem. In the resulting pdf file, some pages are rotated 90
>>degrees (displayed portrait instead of landscape), which is obviously
>>not very useful for an on-screen presentation. But I can't seem to find
>>a clear reason why this happens. It has something to do with EPS
>>figures, but that's as much logic as I can find in this. I did check the
>>postscript file, but the orientation is the same for all pages in there.
>>Is this a known problem and can it be fixed?

Don't know, what happens if you rotate eps figs in the faulty slides ?
Where do the eps come from ?

By the way, I have this layout here:
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[prosper2]{slides (prosper)}
# By Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

which relies on this class:
\ProvidesClass{prosper}[2001/01/23, v. \Prosper@Version]
\typeout{(c) 2000 Frederic Goualard, CWI, The Netherlands}
\typeout{CVSId: $Id: prosper.cls,v 1.7 2001/03/08 09:09:53 exupery Exp $}

Is it the last update of the class and layout ?


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