On Tue, 28 May 2002 19:00:27 BST,  John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote: 

>> I compiled and installed LyX 1.2.0 yesterday and discovered that my 
>> usual way of starting it with the -geometry option no longer works.
>> Is this a bug or a feature? (and in the latter case, what is the 
>> advantage?)
> Works fine for me. Try removing your $HOME/.lyx (after backing it up
> of course) to see if that helps.
> What exactly goes wrong for you ?

Well, it just ignores the -geometry command line parameter. I 
compiled it --with-version-suffix, so I have a $HOME/.lyx and a 
$HOME/.lyx-1.2.0 directory. But that shouldn't be a problem, should 

Thanks for your reply,

Dr. Andreas Busch
Centre for European Politics,           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Economics and Society                   Web: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~busch
University of Oxford                    Tel. (+44)-1865-278 704
3 George Street Mews                    Fax. (+44)-1865-278 725
Oxford OX1 2AA, United Kingdom

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