I am about to send a couple of gripes about viewing images in lyx-1.2.
Rather than putting all in one large email, I preferred splitting things
up, so they can be discussed separately. Let me state here that (despite
my criticism) I greatly appreciate the effort the lyx team puts into
giving us users the greatest document processor existing!

I really think that the new mechanisms of handling graphics, defining
formats and coverters and have the user decide how to convert what is
great. Very flexible and powerful. Note, however, that I did not see this
from the start. I am not used to be given this kind of power, and my first
reaction was "Uh, this seems complicated, why do I need to mess with the
converters now when everything was automatic before?". Basically, since
now I _can_ fix things that don't work (converters not defined correctly,
not the right version of xforms, ImageMagick ...), I am _responsible_ for
fixing them. No need to say that things were far from perfect before, but
since there was not much I could do about it, I put up with it.  
I guess the more power the developers give to the user, the more they need
to hold the hands of those who are not interested in power, but in ease of


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