One more thing...

A few of the commands in the math.bind file work correctly, e.g.

\bind "M-m m"                   "math-mode"
\bind "M-m d"                   "math-display"
\bind "M-m ~S-parenleft"        "math-delim ( )"
\bind "M-m ~S-bracketleft"      "math-delim [ ]"
\bind "M-m ~S-braceleft"        "math-delim { }"
\bind "M-m ~S-less"             "math-delim langle rangle"
\bind "M-m ~S-greater"          "math-delim rangle langle"
\bind "M-m ~S-bar"              "math-delim | |"



 Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab, Rm. 524K
 Civil & Environmental Engineering           ph#: 650/725.5948
 Stanford University                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stanford, CA 94305-4020           

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 14:01:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matt Brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: first letter dropped in math.bind commands


After switching to v. 1.2, the math.bind is behaving funny.  When I try to
use a key binding to insert a math symbol, the first letter of the command
is ignored.  For instance,

The line
\bind "M-m r"                   "math-insert root"
in math.bind yields a blue math box with the red letters "oot" inside
when Alt+m r is keyed.

\bind "M-m r"                   "math-insert rroot" (notice the double
r at the beginning of 'root') correctly produces the square root symbol.

So it seems that the first letter of the command is being ignored.  The
command "math-insert rrroot" yields 'rroot' in a math box.

At least there is an obvious, but clumsy workaround for this problem.  I
can't get other commands in the bind file to work at all.  For instance,
\bind "M-m g"  "math-greek" only causes "M-m g" to appear in the bottom
command window, but subsequent characters are not in Greek.

Any ideas?




 Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab, Rm. 524K
 Civil & Environmental Engineering           ph#: 650/725.5948
 Stanford University                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stanford, CA 94305-4020           

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