On Tuesday 30 July 2002 08:52, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Praedor Tempus wrote:
> > I need to alter the default page number placement in a document from
> > bottom center to top right.  Could someone help me with how to do this?
> layout->document->pagestyle->fancy
> and in preamble
> \lhead{}
> \chead{}
> \rhead{\thepage}
> \lfoot{}
> \cfoot{}
> \rfoot{}
> for more see http://www.lyx.org/help/fancy/header.php

Thank you.  I have added to the preamble and am reading the pdf for fancy.  I 
do not want any decorative lines in the header, however.  The above commands 
added to my preamble placed the page number where I needed it (top right) but 
it also added a header line.  Reading the fancy pdf, it indicates that the 
command "\headerulewidth 0.4pt" would set a nice line of .4 pt width across 
the header.  Looking at the preamble in Lyx, I see no \headrulewidth entry at 
all - so I added it by modeling the example for "\footrulewidth 0 pt" on the 
same page:  "\headrulewidth 0 pt".  What this gives me when I seek to preview 
a ps image of the paper is an error message box in my lyx document.

Where is the cryptic \headrulewidth command being called and used?  The 
command syntax in the pdf is incorrect since it produces an error when 
processing the lyx document?  

Thank you,


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