On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Tariq Rashid wrote:

> hi,
> i guess this question is not that unique, but there appear to be too many
> answers and not all of them perfect!
> my situation is this:
>     * i want to maintain ONLY a .lyx file and the associated .eps figures
>     * want to autogenerate (using a Makefile?) a postscript file, a pdf file
> and
>         html documentation from this lyx source.
>     * figures must appear in all the output formats
>     * links must also work in the html output, would be nice if they worked
> in the pdf
>         output too (eg linked references, table of contents)
>     * equations and complicated structures should appear in all formats -
> even if
>         they are represented by a bitmap (eg html)

This is exactly what I wrote lyxport for. Check it out at
http://www-hep.colorado.edu/~fperez/lyxport. Note however that tex2pdf is
_much_ more sophisticated than lyxport in its handling of complex documents.
Ideally the remainder functionality of lyxport which is not in tex2pdf could
be merged in, but unfortunately I'm not maintaining actively lyxport anymore.

But it works for me in most cases just fine, so give it a go. It might be good 
enough for the documents you deal with.



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