I saw that in lyx 1.2.0 there was some support for the natbib package.

In the next version if someone would like to include other packages like 
jurabib, it would be really really cool.

This problem is really important for europeen users because not everyone uses 
US conventions for bibliographic style (to use [1] and the bibliography at 
the end).

For a lot of persons specially in litterature or law fields we HAVE to put 
each time the correct bibliographic reference on a foot note (that means each 
time I quote someone I have to write : "author(s), book title, editor, 
page..." on a foot note ... and it's really boring without an automatic 

Maybe Lyx would be used in other fields (history, geographics, litterature, 
law...) if it supported such conventions.

the jurabib package seems cool (all of those features included) if it 

I have a few friends interested in Lyx for their thesis, but because of this 
US bibliographic style, it's not usable (and they are not technically 
competent enough to hack the code).


> >>>Anyone elese an idea ?
> >>
> >>Run LaTeX twice in the beginning, then BibTeX, then LaTeX again.
> >
> > I still got the same error :
> >
> > %bibtex jbtest.tex
> > I couldn't open file name `jbtest.tex.aux'
> latex file.tex
> latex file.tex
> bibtex file
> makeindex file.tex   if needed
> latex file.tex
> Herbert

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