Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 09:00:10AM +0930, Pierre Marc Dumuid wrote:
>>I want to write a chemical equation, ( i.e. NO_x )
> [which version of LyX btw?]
1.2.0 (I use linux, but my friend uses windows)

>>But I don't want the text in math-mode font...
> As LaTeX does have subscripts in math mode only, LyX fakes text
> superscripts in math mode as well. One mihgt argue whether this is the
> right thing to do, but it's the way it is.
>>Is there an easier way to get text to be subscript than to type:
>>NO**mathmode _\text{x} **
> Insert->SpecialChar->Subscript 
> When started from textmode, this gives you a math mode superscript with the
> text cell already "switched back" to text mode
> Andre'

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