On Mon, Aug 19, 2002 at 04:58:30PM +0800, Rod Pinna wrote:
> Just wondering if it is possible to use multiline and 1.2.0.

Should work [well, if called 'multline' at least]

> At the moment I tried
> ERT[\begin{mutiline}]
>  enter formula
> ERT[\end{multiline}]
> I fall down at the point of entering \\ in mathed, to get a new line. I
> seem to remember a similar post in the mailing list, but an hour searching
> through has failed to reveal it.

M-m w i    (_m_ath ro_w_ _i_nsert) should insert a row in "gridded"
structures. I think 1.2.0 has a bug which disables this in inlined
formulas, so you have to switch this to "displayed" (S-M-m) and back.


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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