Matej Cepl writes:
 > On Wed, Sep 11, 2002 at 04:20:14PM +0200, Nabil Hathout wrote:
 > > I am looking for a bibstyle with last name in smallcaps and
 > > firt name only capitalized.
 > I guess that one of the basic .bst files supplied with bibtex
 > should help you: I am not sure which one (using natbib and oxford
 > for my needs), but check acm.bst and siam.bst.

I have tried both with natbib, but they format the whole name string in
smallcaps (with the first name abbreviated). 

What I am looking for is a bibstyle which formats last names in smallcaps and
full first names in lowercase (capitalized).

Thank you,

--Nabil Hathout

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