Included graphics is not shown in LyX with lyx 1.6-fix2. (I am still
using 1.6 for an important document, that was created with 1.6).
Searching docs an mailinglist archives learned that this was a bug in
ghostscript that has been fixed in 6.53, so I have upgraded to 6.53. Now
part of my pictures (Grace graphs) are shown, but more are not. LaTeX
output is OK. When I open the usersguide, esher-lsd.eps is shown,
platypus.eps is not. Has anybody a solution for this?
In 1.2 preview works, but for this document I do not want to use 1.2
yet, it is too important and I would not like to break compatibility
with 1.6. LyX 1.2 crashed a few times when scrolling through this
document, complaining about memory, but I cannot reproduce this.



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