I would like to set up a raggedright (non-justified) environment in LyX.
I want this environment to work like it would in any word processor. If
I press return, then the next paragraph automatically indents. The text
should be ragged, so that if I decide to add something in the middle of
a paragraph, I the text moves nicely to the right instead of looking
like I am playing a pinball game. 

This is what I have so far:

Style Regg
        LatexType       Environment
        LatexName       Regg
        Margin          First_Dynamic
        Align           Left
        LabelType       Static
        LabelString     "      "
If I use this environment and view my file in dvi, then I get exactly
what I want.

However, I don't get what I want when I view it in LyX. Only the first
paragraph indents. The rest do not. 

If I didn't use Align Left in my LyX preamble, then I could get what I
want. However, I really want to align my text left. It is the most
natural way for me, and it is much easier to manipulate.




*Paul Tremblay         *

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