On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 19:58, Luiz Eleno wrote:
> I suppose this is a not well-known fact, that you can define your own 
> style for bibtex references. In a terminal, run the command
> ''latex makebst''
> The script will ask you a lot of questions about your preferences (e.g. 
> full author names, order, numbered or literal references, etc). In the 
> end of the execution, there will be a question like that:
> ''Batch job written to file 'something.drv'
> Shall I now run this batch job?''
> select 'y' and a bibtex style file called 'something.bst' will be 
> generated (of course, 'something' is a user-defined filename).
> In lyx, use this bst file WITHOUT the .bst extension, in the same way 
> you use natbib (Insert>Lists and Toc>Bibtex references...), but with the 
> full path.
> in lyx 1.2.0, this works no longer, and you must move the .bst file to a 
> recognisable latex directory (usually /usr/share/texmf/bibtex/bst/local 
> in debian; create yourself the 'local' directory) and run 'texhash'. 
> Then you need only the name of the bst file in lyx.

Thank you a lot for your hint.
Just now I can reply and I am sorry about that.
I shall try to put it into practise as soon as I can and I let you know.

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