On Sun, Oct 27, 2002 at 03:43:57PM +0100, I Wayan Warmada wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Oct 2002, Matthieu Amiguet wrote:
> | If you mean "put the cursor in the _cell_ and click right mouse", then
> | it does not work for me: the minipage option is disabled. If you mean
> | something else, can you please give me some more detail...
> not in the _cell_ but insert a minipage in the _cell_ with command Insert
> -> Minipage. Then put the cursor in the minipage field by clicking
> minipage button. Click right mouse to view the minipage option. Type your
> items in this minipage...

Inserting a minipage is not the best option.
It is better to make the cell a fixed width cell by clicking
on the multicolumn button and then entering the desired width
(or alternatively, make the entire column fixed width).

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