The xpdf program also installs an executable called pdfimages,
so you could use ps2pdf and pdfimages to extract the image.

Good luck,

On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 19:54:00 +0100
Matthieu Amiguet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [This is not really a lyx question, although I'm confonted to in my use of 
> lyx. Please direct me to another more appropriate list if necessary]
> I'm looking for a way to extract a figure from a .ps file to include it in 
> lyx. I know I can print the file and scan the required figure ;-) or try a 
> direct conversion to a bitmap format and edit the file in gimp to get the 
> part I want, but if there's a way to get the vectorial form of it, I would of 
> course prefer it.
> Thank you for your help, 
> Matthieu

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