On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 03:28:48PM +0100, Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> P.S. Woody is rock stable, but its software is relatively old because it
> has been tested very long. Unless you do very critical work it is better
> to upgrade to Debian Sarge (testing) or even Unstable (Sid). Even

The problem is not instability of testing (which isn't), but need
to keep up with updates (2MB of Packages every other day).
Therefore, the best solution for me was to compile my own lyx
1.2.1 (it wasn't in unstable in that time -- I do not know, if it
is there now). If anybody is interested in .dsc and .diff.gz
files, I can send them via email (they are just 10k in total).


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138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The main idea of the pope's asking for forgivness was not to be
afraid of the truth. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF TRUTH! We have to have
faith in the God's governing power to be able not to be afraid.
    -- On NPR The Connection from March 13, 2000

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