Thank you. Your layout works fine with my debian prosper package (v 1.23).



Michael Jaeger writes:
 > Hi,
 > Am Donnerstag, 21. November 2002 10:11 schrieb Nabil Hathout:
 > | Hello,
 > |
 > | Steve M. Robbins writes:
 > |  > 2. Edit prosper.layout, adding this line:
 > |  >
 > |  >     \RequirePackage{ifthen}
 > |  >
 > |
 > | Can you make your hacked prosper.layout file available ?
 > I attached it to this e-mail.
 > Michael.#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
 > #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[prosper]{slides (prosper)}
 > # By Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > # General textclass parameters
 > ClassOptions
 >      Other "contemporain,pdf,accumulate,slideColor,colorBG"
 > End
 > MaxCounter           Counter_Section
 > ####################################
 > #
 > #  Layout-specific preamble
 > #
 > #####################################
 > Preamble
 > \newcounter{slidetype}
 > \setcounter{slidetype}{0}
 > \newcommand{\lyxendslide}{%
 >    \ifthenelse{\value{slidetype}>0}{\end{slide}}{}%
 >    \setcounter{slidetype}{0}%
 > }
 > \AtEndDocument{\lyxendslide}
 > \newcommand{\ov}[2]{\lyxendslide\overlays{#1}{#2\lyxendslide}}
 > \usepackage{amsthm}
 > \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\proofname}{\upshape\emph{Proof}}}
 > \def\@addpunct#1{}
 > \def\th@plain{
 > \thm@headfont{\theoremheadercolor}
 > \thm@headpunct{\theorembodycolor} % This is a hack,
 > \theorembodycolor % body font
 > }
 > \RequirePackage{ifthen}
 > EndPreamble
 > ############################
 > #
 > # Standard style definition
 > # Always comes first.
 > #
 > ############################
 > Style Standard
 >   Margin            Static
 >   LatexType         Paragraph
 >   LatexName         dummy
 >   ParIndent         M
 >   ParSkip           0.4
 >   Align             Block
 >   AlignPossible     Block, Left, Right, Center
 >   LabelType         No_Label
 > End
 > ##############################
 > #
 > # New Definitions for Slides
 > #
 > ##############################
 > Style Slide
 >   Margin                Dynamic
 >   LatexType             Command
 >   LatexName             lyxnewslide
 >   NeedProtect           1
 >   NextNoIndent          1
 >   ParSkip               0.4
 >   TopSep                1.3
 >   BottomSep             0.7
 >   ParSep                0.7
 >   Align                 Center
 >   AlignPossible         Block, Center, Left
 >   LabelType             Counter_Section
 >   LabelSep              xxxx
 >   Font
 >     Series              Bold
 >     Size                Larger
 >   EndFont
 >   LabelFont
 >     Size             Footnotesize
 >     Color            Blue
 >   EndFont
 >   Preamble
 >   \newcommand{\lyxnewslide}[1]{
 >      \lyxendslide
 >      \setcounter{slidetype}{1}
 >      \begin{slide}{#1}
 >   }
 >   EndPreamble
 > End
 > Input
 > Input
 > Input
 > Style Institution
 >   CopyStyle Author
 >   LatexName institution
 > End
 > Input
 > NoStyle Address
 > NoStyle "Right Address"
 > Style Comment
 >   Margin                First_Dynamic
 >   NextNoIndent               0
 >   LeftMargin            MM
 >   RightMargin           MM
 >   LabelFont
 >      Color   magenta
 >   EndFont
 > End

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