Hye all

I'am newbie on this list, so please apologize if this question is not new.
I use Lyx to produce DocBook documents and all was fine until I tried to use figures.
The caption I set in LyX is not used when I export to DocBook.

here is an extract of the lyx file:

\begin_inset Graphics FormatVersion 1
filename figures/map-x86.xpm
display default
subcaptionText "Overview of the boot process for x86/Pentium targets"
size_type 0
rotateOrigin leftBaseline
lyxsize_type 0


The subcaption is here but when saved to sgml it only produce:

<graphic fileref="&graph1002;">

Where I would like something like:

<figure id="ch-intel-FIG-2.1"><title>Overview of the boot process for x86/Pentium targets</title><graphic fileref="&graph1002;"></figure>

To work around I insert the figure as a SGML layout and handy add the figure & title tags, but this way I have to `manualy' handle figure IDs.
Is this a know problem ? Is there a better way to work around it ?
Have I to log a bug to bugzilla ? (I searched it, but found zarro boogs)


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