Sorry, the small font is working when I put it in my fancyheader.

Just too blind to see it, and quick to ask....

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 00:01:20 +0100
Jeroen Vriesman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Great, thanks it's working.
> But it's hard for people who are blond.
> I also tried to make the font of that chaptername small, I can put \small in the 
>\def or in the fancyhead[C], but... it's not working.
> Latex is great, but hard to learn.
> But by the time I'm a latex guru, I will implement all this stuff in lyx.
> Another thing, maybe someone alse also has it, might be a bug.
> I have lyx-1.2.1 running on Mandrake 9.0, and I've inserted a tiff image, works 
>great, but when I use the 'Additional Latex options' from the lyx graphics inset, it 
>doesn't seem to remember what I type there.
> I inserted /caption{Diamant}, but the next time I look at it, it's gone.
> Is anyone else having the same thing?
> Cheers,
> Jeroen.
> On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 00:29:45 +0200
> Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 10:57:32PM +0100, Jeroen Vriesman wrote:
> > > I tried that, but it gives me 'CHAPTER. chaptername', in stead of just the
> > > chaptername.
> > > 
> > > that's the problem. (I'm using amsbook style, does that have something
> > > to do with it?)
> > 
> > Put the following line in the preamble:
> >   \def\chaptermark#1{\markboth{#1}{}}
> > 

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