shows the size of large, Large, small etc. in terms of points.


On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 15:20:15 -0500
Nirmal Govind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 
> > How do I force the use of 12 point font in my autogenerated reference
> > pages?
> > 
> Hi.. I was just trying to do this yesterday on some slides actually..
> and this is what worked for me - right before your Bibliography inset,
> insert ERT and put {\large and right after the inset, insert another ERT
> box and put } in there... so it'll look like:
> ERT: {\large
> BibInset
> ERT: }
> You might want to change the large to get the correct font size. I'm not
> sure what large corresponds to in terms of pt.
> nirmal

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