Paul Tremblay wrote:
> I am using Mutt 1.3x, on a linux box running Mandrake. I an unsure in
> the ways of Windows. Can they read zipped files? Can I use the gunzip
> program that comes with my Mandrake?

This is way off-topic (subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] list for
this purpose), but the answer is that you have to distinguish
between the two types of archives:

- ``zipped files'' are usually meant files which are compressed
  with PkZip, WinZip, or Info-Zip (last is available for Linux
  too) and they extension .zip,
- what you mean are gzipped files (which can compress just one
  file, so you use it usually together with tar) and which has
  extenzion .gz (or .tar.gz or .taz).

The first one is the most supported format of archives on all
platforms and the most popular programs dealing with it on
Windows are WinZip, Windows Commander, and PkZip. That one is
widely supported and the best way how to achieve compatibility.

All .gz (or even .bz2) files are supported too, much they are
much less common (in Windows world) and people usually do not
know how to work with them. Moreover, given imperfectly working
pipes on M$ platforms, people usually have to gunzip whole
archive (which can lead to quite large archives) and than work
with plain tarball.

If you want to communicate with Windows world I would strongly
suggest to install packages zip and unzip from your distribution
and use .zip files.


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Why should I travel, when I'm already there?
        -- Bostonian lady, when being asked why she never visited
                other places than Boston

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