On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 04:43:38PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Fran?ois" == Fran?ois BEAUBERT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Fran?ois> Hi, Just a small question. Is there a way to update the
> Fran?ois> document via pdflatex without closing the document and
> Fran?ois> reopen it (in acrobar for exemple)
> Fran?ois> This function works great with dvi output and xdvi or kdvi
> Fran?ois> for exemple but for pdf output the only solution is to close
> Fran?ois> the pdf file and reopen it after update -> pdflatex
> I think the problem is with acrobat reader which keeps the file open
> and does not like it to be changed. You may want to try xpdf or
> another pdf viewer.

There is an cumbersome way to manually force update in acrobat reader:
after you update the pdf file in LyX, go the acrobat reader and type
ctrl+w and then ctrl+<left arrow>.

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