On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 19:01, you wrote:
> Hi.. I'm trying to get the information on the authors in a two column
> format for a (two column) paper... there are two authors and the format
> specified by the conference says that the first author info should be
> center aligned in the first column and similarly the second author
> in the second column.. how can this be done? I tried tables but can't
> get the spacing right...

This is how I fixed a similar problem:

Set document layout to _one_ column (Layout -> Document -> Document-tab: 
Page_cols: One).

Put in preample (Layout -> Latex_preamble):

Set up a 2-column section for authors:
ERT before Authors (ctr-l):
ERT after Authors:

Do not use Authors style. Enter author's details in Standard style, set to 
centre aligned (Layout -> Paragraph). Format style manually (Layout -> 
Character). Use one paragraph per author, with protected newlines within each 
if needed (ctrl-<enter>, e.g., to put author and their address on separate 
lines). When using 'Authors' paragraph style, centre alignment does not work 
(at least it hasn't worked for me). Limitations: the two paragraphs for the 
two authors should have the same number of lines, otherwise one of your 
paragraphs will be split btw. the 2 cols. Solution: put dummy lines in the 
shorter paragraph, using protected newlines and spaces (ctrl-<enter> followed 
by ctrl-<space>).

Then, set up a separate 2-column section for the rest of the text
ERT before rest of text (usually the abstract):
ERT at the very last line of your lyx document:

I used this for a two-column paper with three authors that had to be entered 
in 3 centre-aligned columns. If the authors all have the same affiliation, 
you may want to put that info between the first \end{multicols} and second 

Hope this helps.


Steven Homolya
School of Physics and Materials Engineering
Monash University VIC 3800
Tel: INT +61 3 9905 3694
Fax: INT +61 3 9905 3637

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