If your Mac user is still using OSX 10.1 (not 10.2.x "Jaguar"), then the solution is simple. Go to the Fink project page and download version 0.4.1 of fink. The 0.4.1 contains 1.1.6f4 in the "unstable" directory (/sw/fink/unstable/finkinfo/editors/) move the 1.1.6f4 file the corresponding stable directory (/sw/fink//finkinfo/stable/editors/) then from the terminal do:

sudo fink install lyx

1.1.6f4 should then compile along with all the necessary packages. Though 1.1.6f4 is in the "unstable" directory, it compiled and worked just fine for me, though YMMV. (You can use the binary installer, which just installs the "stable" version, but I think that will install 1.1.6f3 instead.)

If your Mac user is using OSX 10.2.x, then things are a bit trickier. This is because with the 10.2.x compatible release of fink (0.5.0) only contains LyX 1.2.x. However, I seem to recall that I had version 0.4.1 of fink working properly on 10.2.x in the interim few months after the release of 10.2 but before the release of fink 0.5.0 -- though the fink people very carefully pointed out that the packages in 0.4.1 had not been fully tested with 10.2.x. And I am positive that I had LyX 1.1.6f4 running on my 10.2 via fink. I believe the instructions on how to set up 0.4.1 in 10.2 were posted on the fink website, so you should probably check their news archives to find out how.

If this doesn't work well, then you might search the fink website for the LyX package info. You should be able to find out who the maintainer of the package is. He might have the OSX binary of LyX 1.1.6f4 still available, or at least the necessary patch files to get it to compile correctly on OSX.

Hope this is useful.

Good luck.

Tomoharu Nishino

On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 06:17 PM, Mark Carroll wrote:

Is LyX 1.1.6fix4 available for OS X anywhere? We really need stability so
we've been using 1.1.6fix4, but a Mac user wants to be able to edit our
files from home, and the file format seems to have changed. He does have
1.2.1 working. Suggestions?

-- Mark

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