On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Eran Guendelman wrote:

> Also, what is the status with the various math symbols that show up as
> LaTeX text rather than their symbol in LyX.  (e.g. \emptyset shows up as
> red "emptyset" rather than the actual symbol).  I'm using LyX 1.2.1.  Is
> my setup wrong? (This only happens for some symbols, so I'm assuming my
> setup is fine).  Since all the symbols are in the math panel it seems
> you've already got the pixmaps/characters for them so is there anything I
> can do to make them also show up in my formulas?
This is normal, and is mentioned in the online help (user's guide I 
think). The buttons in the math panel, at least some of them, are 
pixmaps (xpm's) I believe.

Steven Homolya
School of Physics and Materials Engineering
Monash University, VIC 3800
Tel: +61 3 9905 3694
Fax: +61 3 9905 3637

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