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I have read the chapterbib tip from the web but I have done what it says yet 
still fail to get references at the end of each chapter.

I have 4 chapters and need 4 independent reference lists for these chapters.

I am using the chapterbib style and add the bibtex reference at the end of 
each chapter.  I enter the names of the independent bibtex references as 
appropriate.  When I preview the document, it APPEARS that my second chapter 
is trying to use the bibliography file from the first chapter rather than its 
own chapter.  I get a lot of question marks with a few reference numbers here 
and there with high numbers (like 180, 182) when I should be getting a reset 
numbering system for each chapter.  

What is the trick here?  I have lyx 1.2.0 (I cannot at this time upgrade) on 
Mandrake 8.2.  Can anyone help me out here?  

This is my document's preamble:

\makeatletter\def\@cite#1#2{({#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi})}



\newcommand\dna[1]{\leavevmode \begingroup
    \dnaZ #1\@empty}
\def\dnaZ #1#2{%
       \dnaSpace \-%
    \dnaZ #2%
\newcommand\dnaSpace{\nobreak\hspace{0pt plus .1pt}}

- -- 
Conservatives of all times are adventitious liars.
- - Friedrich Nietzsche.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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