Christian Ridderström schrieb:
On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Herbert Voss wrote:

Christian Ridderström schrieb:

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Herbert Voss wrote:

\usepackage{mathptmx}% instead of package times
\usepackage[scaled=0.9]{helvet} % or [scaled=0.92], if you like

Hmm... I just tried this and get the error:

	LaTeX Error: Unknown option `scaled=0.9' for package `helvet'.

I'm using tetex 1.07.  What's missing here?
what does \listfiles in the logfile say? f.ex.:

I can't find any such entry in my logfile, see here:

sorry, I meant put this \listfiles in the
preamble, run latex and then look into the logfile.
but anyway, Iyou have an ols helvet.sty

this is mine.

helvet.sty 2000/01/12 PSNFSS-v8.1 Helvetica font as default sans (WaS)


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