On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 02:17:00AM -0800, Serge Winitzki wrote:
> Thank you, I looked at that file. It seems that after
> all it *is* possible to put a script into
> ~/.lyx/mathed/extern_XYZ and then the command
> "math-extern XYZ simplify" will call that script and
> expect some answer. No changes in C++ code. 

Oops... looks like I already forgot about that...

> Of course, the format of input/output is not
> documented and it's a problem.

It's something like   [sqrt [frac 1 2] ]    But it is rather fragile...
This was just meant as a debugging aid, not as the "real thing".

> I tried a few equations from my LyX documents to get a feel of what gets
> passed to that script. Seems not hard to parse at first glance.

I'd guess there are still a few rough corners as this part is not very well
maintained. I'd be happy to accept bug reports of suggestions for

> There is one problem however: when a LyX expression
> contains an apostrophe character ' then this breaks
> the shell escape that runs things like

Like this one.

What do you suggest: How should the ' be exported?

> So it would be nice to get a hold of a specification
> of this MathArray export format. I'm surprised that
> you don't have external scripts for maple, maxima,
> etc. and process it inside C++ instead.

It turned out that a conversion by an external script 
basically needs to re-build the internal stucture, so
as a quick&dirty "solution" we have hardwired exports
for the "supported" systems.

In the long run I'd like to replace them with a single
export format (probably MathML) and trust the CAS's
import of MathML to do the right thing.


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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