This is what i get at the end of my compilation, is this what affects the 
WARNING: the QT gui, together with xft2+fontconfig (which you
 * almost certainly have), suffer from one infamous bug that causes
 * the matheditor not to display any special characters (the ones from
 * the Computer Modern font family). Generated documents (.dvi, .ps...)
 * are ok, since tex has right fonts from the bluesky package.
 * A proper solution was being worked on. Meanwhile you can install the
 * BaKoMa fonts package; however they are not licensed for redistribution
 * (not even embedded inside generated documents) and cannot be used in
 * commercial environments (without a special agreement from the author).
 * If that suits you, you can get them on CTAN or at as
 * latex-ttf-fonts-0.1.tar.gz. I was working on an alternative, free
 * fonts package derived from bluesky, but got stuck; wuold be glad
 * to see someone continuing the effort (see the relevant threads on the
 * lyx-devel mailing list or mail me if you want to know more).
 On Friday 27 June 2003 09:08, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Rajil" == Rajil Saraswat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rajil> Hi All, There is a problem with my lyx version which i wanted
> Rajil> to confirm. In my math panel i only get the 'operator' symbols
> Rajil> in the panel, the greek symbols donot appear in the panel
> Rajil> itself and i have to click on detach panel to get a new window
> Rajil> with the greek symbols. Infact barring the 'operator' symbols
> Rajil> no other symbol appears in the math panel itself. I am using
> Rajil> lyx 1.3.2 on linux x86, is this a bug or can it be rectified?
> Which frontend is that (xforms, qt?).
> JMarc

Rajil Saraswat
Materials Processing Group,
Department of Materials,       Tel(O): +44-20-759 46746
Imperial College,                    Tel(R): +44-20-785 20304
Prince Consort Road,
London, SW7 2BP, U.K
                                  Gentoo Linux
       Linux Version 2.4.20-ck6, Compiled #2 Tue Apr 29 18:12:09 BST 2003
     One 2.67GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor, 1GB RAM, 5308.41 Bogomips Total
                         Load Average 0.30, 1.46, 1.79
                       Uptime 3 days 23 hours 45 minutes

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