You probably need to make sure your LyX is compiled with JPEG support. 
I used to have that problem all the time, aeons ago, when I was a 
Linux/KDE 1.1 user (and when I used KLyX, RIP).

I'm not sure quite what the problem with previewing EPSes is related 
to; possibly some kind of Postscript library?

Wes :wm

On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 15:18:34 +0900, Jorgen Johansson wrote:
> Hello,
> I installed the Win32 qt LyX 1.3.2 and it is fast (compared to the cygwin
> version 1.3.0).
> I have a problem with on-screen images. png files are displayed, but jpg
> and eps are not shown. I get the following error message displayed 
> instead of the images "error converting to loadable format". (The 
> same document displays fine in the 1.3.0 cygwin version)
> I ran "lyx -dbg 3" and things seem normal. When the "error converting 
> to loadable format" message appears in the image I expected to see 
> some error meassage in the command window, but nothing appears.
> If someone could point me in the right direction to solve this I 
> would appreciate it very much.
> Do I need to set some conversion parameters for the images?
> (If I get the native qt version to work as nicely as the cygwin 
> version I think I can start convincing people around me to learn 
> lyx/latex (including my professor). )
> Thanks for a great software.
> jorgen
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