[posted and mailed]

Nick DeClario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:3F147A52.6060609

> Hey guys,
> I have this document that I need to format to be 5.5"x8.5" with 0.375" 
> margins all around.
> I have the paper size set to 5.5"x8.5" and the margins set at 0.375" in 
> the documents properties.  I export it to PDF and it makes it a full 
> 8.5"x11" sheet.  So then I exported it a PostScript and used 'psnup' 
> with the margin (-m) option set to 1.75" to center the page without 
> resizing when converted to PDF.  This works.
> However the document is off centered by 0.50" on the page.  I try 
> changing the margins in the Lyx settings, I try changing the margin 
> setting in psnup to no avail.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what 
> I am doing wrong?
> The version of LyX I am using is 1.1.6fix4 and Ghostscript 6.51.
> Thanks,
>      -Nick

I'm not clear on where the off-centeredness is showing up:  in displayed 
versions or in printed versions; using which viewer?  If it's in printed 
output from Acrobat Reader, you might want to go into the print settings 
and uncheck "autorotate and center" and/or set page scaling to "none".  
(This is in version 6.0; option labels in 5.0 might be slightly 
different, but the same options are there.)  I've had adventures with 
that before; it seems that Acrobat interprets a portion of the margins 
produced by LyX as part of the document being scaled/centered.

Also, you might check that the paper size in Ghostscript is 5.5x8.5.  
Even with the right paper size is set in LyX, I *think* the output can 
come out wrong if Ghostscript uses the wrong size.  (I've had adventures 
with this:  my copy of Ghostview defaults to A4, I live in an 8.5x11 
world, and I keep forgetting to change it.) 

-- Paul

Paul A. Rubin                                  Phone:    (517) 432-3509
Department of Management                       Fax:      (517) 432-1111
The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management    E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michigan State University                      http://www.msu.edu/~rubin/
East Lansing, MI  48824-1122  (USA)
Mathematicians are like Frenchmen:  whenever you say something to them,
they translate it into their own language, and at once it is something
entirely different.                                    J. W. v. GOETHE

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