Am Sam, 2003-08-09 um 09.55 schrieb Herbert Voß:

> there is no difference in using fbox directly
> \equationbox{\int\limits_2^{\infty}\frac{1}{x}dx=0.25}
> \fbox{$\displaystyle\int\limits_2^{\infty}\frac{1}{x}dx=0.25$}
> You always use inline math, which is very easy to frame
> and so there is no need for an separate box.
> A problem is a framed display math. There is a solution
> with package varwidth

I don't know exacly why, but the solution I introduced in the last
message works for the centered mathboxes (I think that's what "display
math" means), too. So just to be sure we are talking about the same
thing, I've attached a LyX-example-file.

Would be grateful, if you could tell me why it works.


PS: There needs to be the \newsavebox{ggbox} in the document header, I
don't know if this is part of the lyx-file or of my environment.

Kai Johannes Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
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\begin_inset FormulaMacro 
\newcommand{\eqbox}[1]{\savebox{\ggbox}{${\displaystyle #1}$}\fbox{\usebox{\ggbox}}}

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}


\layout Standard

To take reference on equation 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \prettyref{eq:}


 is as easy as before.
\layout Standard

And it doesn't matter how big or small the equation is:
\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation}
\eqbox{\left(\frac{\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}A_{k}}{2\frac{5}{7}}\exp\left[\frac{rst}{\alpha\beta\gamma}\right]\right)=\left\{ \begin{array}{c}
213\quad k=\alpha\\
25398\quad k=\beta\\
0\quad k=\gamma\end{array}\right.}\label{eq2}\end{equation}



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