Rob Saunders wrote:
> 1.      Is there someway to have Bibtex auto-sort multiple citations in
> alphabetical order when they appear in the text? Ie, entering  (Bob,
> 1987; Sam, 2000; Fred, 1988) in Lyx but having Bibtex sort them in
> alphabetical order in the final document?

natbib option "sort&compress". You can enter it into Document->Extra Options.

> 2.      Currently using the above packages Insert-->Citation produces
> "Smith (1990)" and I need to enter \citep{smith} in ERT to get "(Smith,
> 1990)".    

You don't have LyX's natbib support enabled? (Document->Extras->use natbib in 
xforms or Document->Biliography->use natbib in qt). Then you can chose natbib 
styles in the citation dialog.

> Is it possible for me to change something in Lyx so that the latter
> format is default since I use this format the most? (I can then use
> \citet{smith} for the former when needed)

you can use this hack:


unfortunately, the citation style choice of the citation dialog does not 
remember its last position.


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